Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

There are many ways of using the virtual world. One way is to perform different types of training. For example, medical training. Doctors can perform surgical procedures in the virtual world to make sure that doctors can see the type of scenarios that might occur during the procedures. Doctors can also perform more practice in the virtual world to ensure they are perform trained before perform the surgical procedures on a real human. Another way of using a virtual world is to create a virtual game that is no longer limited to 2D and 3D. It can be a real virtual world game where everyone can feel it was real. 

According to the article "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?" by Diane Metha, one example of virtual worlds is Minecraft. The pros of Minecraft is to help kids to exercise their imaginations and to also interact with others to build and create new things. It is a good exercising tool for young kids to really develop their imagination and explore their interest. One of the cons of virtual worlds is that even though virtual worlds can look real, but they cannot compare to the real world. It does not have the same textural and visual appearance as a real object. Which made it difficult for people to real exercise what they learn from the virtual world and execute in the real world. Like the surgical procedures, the virtual world cannot compare to a real human body. 

One way that a virtual world foster creativity is that it can help you see something that you might never see in your life before. This can better foster a creative mindset by exploring new places or new environments. According to the article "The Virtual World Moves into the Classroom" by Joe Earle, classroom uses the virtual world to help students to go on a field trip that is far away. Students can be able to learn about the life of refugees and study the inner workings of volcanoes. Creativity came from experiences and what is better than using the virtual world to explore all over the places to gain more experiences. 

I believe that everything will be in virtual reality like it appears in movies. Games, interaction, communication and even school will be in the virtual world. There might be a whole world that is made out of virtual reality. 

Mehta, Diane. “After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 1 May 2013, www.forbes.com/sites/dianemehta/2013/04/30/after-second-life-can-virtual-worlds-get-a-reboot/#619d4b30735a.
“The Virtual World Moves into the Classroom.” Reporter Newspapers, 12 Sept. 2018, www.reporternewspapers.net/2018/09/14/the-virtual-world-moves-into-the-classroom/.

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